Sundance is going on right now, and, as one might expect, there is chatter abound about lots of different films on the blogs. One of these is the film Splice, directed by Vincenzo Natali (director of Cube and a number of Earth: Final Conflict episodes, for those interested). I heard about this movie a while back when they released a short clip (below) online, and remember thinking that it looked good. Of course, keeping track of potentially awesome sci-fi movies is only a hobby (sigh), and thus the movie almost instantaneously fell off of my radar.
But now it has aired at Sundance, and the reviews are coming back that it is both awesome and a bit disturbing... Splice hits theaters February 24th, and I can't wait. Check out the clip below and give me your impressions when you get a chance.
I just read on /film that Albert Pyun's Captain America (1990) is available to watch in full on Hulu. Hulu's description of this movie is as follows:
Superhero foils Red Skull and saves the president.
That sounds about right.
Although this version of Captain America doesn't have the best reputation among superhero-action film aficionados, it nevertheless played a pivotal role in my early perception of America's most patriotic of masked vigilantes. I remember watching this old movie with Keanu as a child and thinking that it was awesome. Of course, I may not think so now if I watched it again (which I will tonight). But I think it's important to remember that comic books have undergone a huge transformation in the past century. This film is a but a landmark on this long road.
You can watch Captain America in full below.
Thanks to Albert Pyun, the man himself, for directing me to this interview about Captain America... where can I sign the petition?