Friday, February 6, 2009

In case you didn't already know.

In continuing on with our coverage of the adaptation of the Watchmen graphic novel to the silver screen, I would like to put out a little tidbit of info that will most certainly be a boost to all of you fans following its progress out there. As most of you have already heard, the movie that is scheduled to open in theaters on March 6th will not include one of the amazing sub plots of the original story- The Tales of the Black Freighter. However, as a huge fan of the graphic novel himself, Zach Snyder has not left this tale of haunting piratery fall by the wayside. The official release date of The Tales of the Black Freighter animated film will be March 24th and will include Gerard Butler of the the homoerotic stabathon thriller 300 as the voice of the sea captain. This straight to DVD release will be directed by Mike Smith (Futurama, Bender's Big Score) and will hopefully be every bit as enthralling as its printed forefather. A big thanks to Mark Graham of Vulture for staying current on this topic.


Casey said...

I recently started rereading the Watchmen, and holy smokes its good. Its actually been a problem around the house because every night right around bedtime I pee my pants... Check out the vid recently released talking about how they did Rorschach's mask here

Brandon said...

i was pretty sad when i heard that they were dropping out the pirate tale. i am glad to know it will have its own moment.

casey, try sleeping with a towel underneath you. that way when you pee the bed you wont get anyone else wet. but do not, repeat do not, stop rereading the watchmen.

Casey said...

The teaser trailer....